Duplicity 0.8.04

Milestone information

Kenneth Loafman
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3 Fix Released

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Release notes 

New in v0.8.04 (2019/08/31)
* Fixed bug #1839728 with info from Avleen Vig
  - b2 backend requires additional import
* Fixed bug #1839886 with hint from denick
  - Duplicity crashes when using --file-prefix
* Removed socket.settimeout from backend.py.
  It was already set in commandline.py.
* Removed pycryptopp from README requirements
* Merged in lp:~aaron-whitehouse/duplicity/08-snap-python2
  - Add packaging code for Snapcraft/Snap packages
* Fixed build on Launchpad for 0.8.x, so now there is a new PPA at
* Ran futurize selectively filter-by-filter to find the ones that work.
* Merged in lp:~aaron-whitehouse/duplicity/08-README-TESTING
  - Change README-TESTING to be correct for running individual tests
    now that we have moved to Tox/Pytest.
* Merged in lp:~kaffeekiffer/duplicity/azure-filename
  - Encode Azure back-end paths
* Merged in lp:~aaron-whitehouse/duplicity/08-docker-local-import
  - Convert the Docker infrastructure to pull the local branch into
    duplicity_test. This allows testing the local branch with the
    known-good Docker environment, even if it has not yet been
    committed to trunk.
  - As a consequence, remove the -r option to build-duplicity_test.sh.
    This functionality can be achieved by branching that revision
    before running the script.
* Made some changes to the Docker infrastructure:
  - All scripts run from any directory, assuming directory
    structure remains the same.
  - Changed from Docker's COPY internal command which is slow to
    using external rsync which is faster and allows excludes.
  - Removed a couple of unused files.
* Merged in translation updates


View the full changelog

2019-08-31 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in translation updates
    * Prep for 0.8.04

2019-08-29 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Made some changes to the Docker infrastructure:
      - All scripts run from any directory, assuming directory
        structure remains the same.
      - Changed from Docker's COPY internal command which is slow to
        using external rsync which is faster and allows excludes.
      - Removed a couple of unused files.

2019-08-26 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in lp:~aaron-whitehouse/duplicity/08-docker-local-import
      - Convert the Docker infrastructure to pull the local branch into
        duplicity_test. This allows testing the local branch with the
        known-good Docker environment, even if it has not yet been
        committed to trunk.
      - As a consequence, remove the -r option to build-duplicity_test.sh.
        This functionality can be achieved by branching that revision
        before running the script.

2019-08-21 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in lp:~aaron-whitehouse/duplicity/08-README-TESTING
      - Change README-TESTING to be correct for running individual tests
        now that we have moved to Tox/Pytest.
    * Merged in lp:~kaffeekiffer/duplicity/azure-filename
      - Encode Azure back-end paths

2019-08-18 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Ran futurize selectively filter-by-filter to find the ones that work.

2019-08-17 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Merged in lp:~aaron-whitehouse/duplicity/08-snap-python2
      - Add packaging code for Snapcraft/Snap packages
    * Fixed build on Launchpad for 0.8.x, so now there is a new PPA at

2019-08-13 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1839886 with hint from denick
      - Duplicity crashes when using --file-prefix
    * Removed socket.settimeout from backend.py.
      It was already set in commandline.py.
    * Removed pycryptopp from README requirements

2019-08-12 Kenneth Loafman <email address hidden>

    * Fixed bug #1839728 with info from Avleen Vig
      - b2 backend requires additional import

0 blueprints and 3 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1839728 #1839728 b2 backend requires additional import 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1839886 #1839886 Duplicity crashes when using --file-prefix 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1840897 #1840897 Azure backend file-names erroneous for Python3 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
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