Dmedia 13.10

Milestone information

Jason Gerard DeRose
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2 Jason Gerard DeRose
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2 Fix Released

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Release notes 

Note: Dmedia has NOT earned its "production ready" wings yet, so please treat this release with the usual caution. Test Dmedia, give us feedback, but don't trust your data to it... yet.

Changes include:

* Improve the way the copy increasing behavior is ordered (prioritized) by considering both the total locations and total durability of the copies; as a result, Dmedia now does a better job acting on the statically most fragile files first

* Bring important clarifications to naming conventions in metastore module, in particular to emphasize the relationship between the downgrade and the verify behaviors

* Up max reclaim threshold from 16 to 64 GiB

* Up min free space threshold from 8 to 16 GiB

* For now, we're sticking with non-filtered replication (ie, design docs get replicated); the efficient UUID-based replication resume doesn't work with filtered replication, plus we've encountered a number of performance and reliability problems with filtered replication

* Threshold tweak: downgrade by store atime after 3 days; purge by store atime after 7 days

* Threshold tweak: verify by copy mtime after 3 hours; downgrade by copy mtime after 24 hours

* Add missing unit tests for all time threshold constants

* Update extractor unit tests for some changes in exiftool in Saucy

* MetaStore now saves file/corrupt, store/purge, and store/downgrade events in log-1 DB

* Add a number of missing MetaStore unit tests, plus remove a fair amount of deprecated MetaStore code

* To reduce spurious store purging after adding a new peer to your Dmedia library, allow 60 seconds for initial sync-up before starting background tasks (not the correct solution, but a workable bandaid for now)

* Made a number of small stability improvements, in particular to address rare problems that typically only occur with 3 or more peers under a high DB load, with a large sync delta


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0 blueprints and 2 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1235538 #1235538 Order copy-increasing by (locations + durability) 3 High Jason Gerard DeRose  10 Fix Released
1239138 #1239138 Clean-up naming conventions in `metastore` module 3 High Jason Gerard DeRose  10 Fix Released
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