Dmedia 13.08

Milestone information

Jason Gerard DeRose
Release registered:
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2 Jason Gerard DeRose
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
2 Fix Released

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last downloaded 46 weeks ago
Total downloads: 16

Release notes 

Note: Dmedia has NOT earned its "production ready" wings yet, so please treat this release with the usual caution. Test Dmedia, give us feedback, but don't trust your data to it... yet.

Another note: we're moving to CouchDB 1.4.0 whether or not it gets into Saucy proper, but it's better for us if it *is* in Saucy proper, so please help us test!

Changes include:

* DmediaCouch now passes a stable UUID (derived from machine_id) to UserCouch.bootstrap(), giving us efficient replication resume with CouchDB 1.3 and newer

* debian/control: Depend on ntp or time-daemon (thanks, Samat Jain!)

* Local machine state (connected drives, visible peers) is now saved in the machine doc rather than in the _local/dmedia doc; this allows clearer visualization of what's going on in one's Dmedia library, and will also allow better use of network and disk IO as Dmedia can decide which peer to download from without doing a HEAD request one peer at a time till it finds one with the file

* Dmedia no longer snapshots all the databases after the service starts; for testing and debugging, you can still snapshot everything by running:

  $ dmedia-cli SnapshotAll

* When an import batch finishes, Dmedia now only snapshots the project database, doesn't snapshot dmedia-1

* The Dmedia service now autostarts 17 seconds after login (instead of 45 seconds)


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 2 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1212479 #1212479 Depend on time-daemon instead of ntp for dmedia package 2 Critical Jason Gerard DeRose  10 Fix Released
1216662 #1216662 Use dmedia/machine doc for local machine state 3 High Jason Gerard DeRose  10 Fix Released
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