Dmedia 0.1 "cleanup"

This milestone focuses on some important cleanup and refactoring so that features can be built atop a better, more well defined architecture. It's all about laying the groundwork for more contributors, more features. The 0.2 milestone will be a feature frenzy.

Milestone information

Code name:
Jason Gerard DeRose
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Akshat Jain, 1 David Green, 1 Jason Gerard DeRose, 1 Paul Hummer
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
4 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon dmedia-0.1.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) dmedia 0.1.0 tarball 64
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 64

Release notes 

Announcing dmedia 0.1

What's new in 0.1 - everything!

I'm happy to announce the first stable dmedia release. At this point dmedia is
really just for developers and *highly* adventurous end-users, but the design
and implementation are both progressing quickly.

However, one big fat point of caution: neither the content-hash nor the schema
is yet final! I'm reserving the right to make incompatible changes without
regard for backward compatibility in the 0.2 and 0.3 releases. So this is for
testing and play, not yet for seriously organizing your life's cinematic work.

You can download the source tarball here:

Packages are available for Lucid, Maverick, and Natty in the Novacut Stable
Releases PPA:

Contributors to the 0.1 release

Code contributors:

  * Jason Gerard DeRose (~jderose)
  * Chad Miller (~cmiller)
  * Paul Hummer (~rockstar)
  * Akshat Jain (~ssj6akshat1234)
  * Manish Sinha (~manishsinha)
  * David Green (~david4dev)

Special thanks to:

  * Stuart Langridge (~sil) for helping me wrap my head around desktopcouch
  * Jason Smith (~jhs-couchone) for helping me finally grok CouchDB views
  * Paul Hummer (~rockstar) for teaching me many Launchpad best practices
  * James Raymond (~animafreek) for adventurous beta testing and spearheading
    some great design mockups
  * Akshat Jain (~ssj6akshat1234) for relentlessly recruiting people on IRC

Contribute to 0.2 and beyond!

We do monthly time-based releases, always releasing on the last Thursday
of the month. That means we promise to make a release on time each month, but
never promise what exact features will land.

dmedia 0.2 will be released on Thursday December 30 2010, and development is
already underway. You can see the bugs targeted for 0.2 here:


An IRC quote from #novacut:

  (01:07:29 PM) ssj6akshat: m4n1sh, jderose was a debian user since ancient

That's all, folks!

Thanks to everyone who is helping make this dream a reality!



This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 4 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
672273 #672273 Use plain unittest instead of nose, use desktopcouch test idioms, make ` test` work 2 Critical Jason Gerard DeRose  10 Fix Released
671949 #671949 Add quick id function to speed up import dedup 3 High Akshat Jain  10 Fix Released
672413 #672413 Move debian/ into seperate tree or branch 3 High Paul Hummer  10 Fix Released
680631 #680631 Command 'dmedia' has no man page. 3 High David Green  10 Fix Released
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