Registered by Séverin Lemaignan

"Contact" aims to be the next generation contact manager. Each contact is represented as an independant window, floating around your desktop. You can interact with it to monitor your contacts' activity, while the application rely on other software to actually enable communication (like Pidgin of IM or Thunderbird for mails).

Today's computing is, for an important part, geared toward enabling communication between people. However our desktops are not really designed for that. "Contact" aims to be the next generation contact manager. More than an address book, it's a new way to communicate and interact with your contacts from your desktop. Each contact is an independant window, floating around your desktop as long as you need it. It allows to monitor online status, to display latest RSS feeds from your contact's blog, Facebook or profiles, drag&drop of files, musics, other contacts, etc. It doesn't replace your favorite email client or messenger, it simply interfaces itself with them to make all your communication tools easier to access. Networking is at the heart of modern computing. "Contact"'ll be the heart of your network!

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Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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C++, Python

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