cloud-init 20.3

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James Falcon
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Release notes 

Cloud-init release 20.3 is now available.

The 20.3 release:
 * spanned 4 months.
 * had 36 contributors from 15 domains.
 * Fixed 25 issues.

 - Support Oracle IMDSv2 API
 - cc_grub_dpkg: Determine idevs in a more robust manner with grub-probe
 - Recognize LABEL_FATBOOT labels
 - Support reading user-data that is base64 encoded
 - cmd: cloud-init query to handle compressed userdata
 - Enable chef_license support for chef infra client


View the full changelog

    - Release 20.3 (#547) [James Falcon] (LP: #1892878)
    - tox: bump the pylint version to 2.6.0 in the default run (#544)
      [Paride Legovini]
    - Azure: Add netplan driver filter when using hv_netvsc driver (#539)
      [James Falcon] (LP: #1830740)
    - query: do not handle non-decodable non-gzipped content (#543)
    - DHCP sandboxing failing on noexec mounted /var/tmp (#521) [Eduardo Otubo]
    - Update the list of valid ssh keys. (#487)
      [Ole-Martin Bratteng] (LP: #1877869)
    - cmd: cloud-init query to handle compressed userdata (#516) (LP: #1889938)
    - Pushing cloud-init log to the KVP (#529) [Moustafa Moustafa]
    - Add Alpine Linux support. (#535) [dermotbradley]
    - Detect kernel version before swap file creation (#428) [Eduardo Otubo]
    - cli: add devel make-mime subcommand (#518)
    - user-data: only verify mime-types for TYPE_NEEDED and x-shellscript
      (#511) (LP: #1888822)
    - DataSourceOracle: retry twice (and document why we retry at all) (#536)
    - Refactor Azure report ready code (#468) [Johnson Shi]
    - tox.ini: pin correct version of httpretty in xenial{,-dev} envs (#531)
    - Support Oracle IMDSv2 API (#528) [James Falcon]
    - .travis.yml: run a doc build during CI (#534)
    - doc/rtd/topics/datasources/ovf.rst: fix doc8 errors (#533)
    - Fix 'Users and Groups' configuration documentation (#530) [sshedi]
    - cloudinit.distros: update docstrings of add_user and create_user (#527)
    - Fix headers for device types in network v2 docs (#532)
      [Caleb Xavier Berger]
    - Add AlexBaranowski as contributor (#508) [Aleksander Baranowski]
    - DataSourceOracle: refactor to use only OPC v1 endpoint (#493)
    - .github/workflows/stale.yml: s/Josh/Rick/ (#526)
    - Fix a typo in apt pipelining module (#525) [Xiao Liang]
    - test_util: parametrize devlist tests (#523) [James Falcon]
    - Recognize LABEL_FATBOOT labels (#513) [James Falcon] (LP: #1841466)
    - Handle additional identifier for SLES For HPC (#520) [Robert Schweikert]
    - Revert "test-requirements.txt: pin pytest to <6 (#512)" (#515)
    - test-requirements.txt: pin pytest to <6 (#512)
    - Add "tsanghan" as contributor (#504) [tsanghan]
    - fix brpm building (LP: #1886107)
    - Adding eandersson as a contributor (#502) [Erik Olof Gunnar Andersson]
    - azure: disable bouncing hostname when setting hostname fails (#494)
      [Anh Vo]
    - VMware: Support parsing DEFAULT-RUN-POST-CUST-SCRIPT (#441)
    - DataSourceAzure: Use ValueError when JSONDecodeError is not available
      (#490) [Anh Vo]
    - fix blank line problem when removing CAs and adding
      new one (#483) [dermotbradley]
    - freebsd: py37-serial is now py37-pyserial (#492) [Gonéri Le Bouder]
    - ssh exit with non-zero status on disabled user (#472)
      [Eduardo Otubo] (LP: #1170059)
    - cloudinit: remove global disable of pylint W0107 and fix errors (#489)
    - networking: refactor wait_for_physdevs from (#466)
      (LP: #1884626)
    - HACKING.rst: add pytest.param pytest gotcha (#481)
    - cloudinit: remove global disable of pylint W0105 and fix errors (#480)
    - Fix two minor warnings (#475)
    - test_data: fix faulty patch (#476)
    - cc_mounts: handle missing fstab (#484) (LP: #1886531)
    - LXD cloud_tests: support more lxd image formats (#482) [Paride Legovini]
    - Add update_etc_hosts as default module on *BSD (#479) [Adam Dobrawy]
    - cloudinit: fix tip-pylint failures and bump pinned pylint version (#478)
    - Added BirknerAlex as contributor and sorted the file (#477)
      [Alexander Birkner]
    - Update list of types of modules in cli.rst [saurabhvartak1982]
    - tests: use markers to configure disable_subp_usage (#473)
    - Add mention of vendor-data to no-cloud format documentation (#470)
      [Landon Kirk]
    - Fix broken link to OpenStack metadata service docs (#467)
      [Matt Riedemann]
    - Disable ec2 mirror for non aws instances (#390)
      [lucasmoura] (LP: #1456277)
    - cloud_tests: don't pass --python-version to read-dependencies (#465)
    - networking: refactor is_physical from (#457) (LP: #1884619)
    - Enable use of the caplog fixture in pytest tests, and add a
      cc_final_message test using it (#461)
    - RbxCloud: Add support for FreeBSD (#464) [Adam Dobrawy]
    - Add schema for cc_chef module (#375) [lucasmoura] (LP: #1858888)
    - test_util: add (partial) testing for util.mount_cb (#463)
    - .travis.yml: revert to installing ubuntu-dev-tools (#460)
    - HACKING.rst: add details of net refactor tracking (#456)
    - .travis.yml: rationalise installation of dependencies in host (#449)
    - Add dermotbradley as contributor. (#458) [dermotbradley]
    - net/networking: remove unused functions/methods (#453)
    - distros.networking: initial implementation of layout (#391)
    - cloud-init.service.tmpl: use "rhel" instead of "redhat" (#452)
    - Change from redhat to rhel in systemd generator tmpl (#450)
      [Eduardo Otubo]
    - Hetzner: support reading user-data that is base64 encoded. (#448)
      [Scott Moser] (LP: #1884071)
    - HACKING.rst: add strpath gotcha to testing gotchas section (#446)
    - cc_final_message: don't create directories when writing boot-finished
      (#445) (LP: #1883903)
    - .travis.yml: only store new schroot if something has changed (#440)
    - util: add ensure_dir_exists parameter to write_file (#443)
    - printing the error stream of the dhclient process before killing it
      (#369) [Moustafa Moustafa]
    - Fix link to the MAAS documentation (#442)
      [Paride Legovini] (LP: #1883666)
    - RPM build: disable the dynamic mirror URLs when using a proxy (#437)
      [Paride Legovini]
    - util: rename write_file's copy_mode parameter to preserve_mode (#439)
    - .travis.yml: use $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR for lxd_image caching (#438)
    - cli.rst: alphabetise devel subcommands and add net-convert to list (#430)
    - Default to UTF-8 in /var/log/cloud-init.log (#427) [James Falcon]
    - travis: cache the chroot we use for package builds (#429)
    - test: fix all flake8 E126 errors (#425) [Joshua Powers]
    - Fixes KeyError for bridge with no "parameters:" setting (#423)
      [Brian Candler] (LP: #1879673)
    - When tools.conf does not exist, running cmd "vmware-toolbox-cmd
      config get deployPkg enable-custom-scripts", the return code will
      be EX_UNAVAILABLE(69), on this condition, it should not take it as
      error. (#413) [chengcheng-chcheng]
    - Document CloudStack data-server well-known hostname (#399) [Gregor Riepl]
    - test: move to top-level, to cover tests/ also (#414)
    - Replace cc_chef is_installed with use of subp.is_exe. (#421)
      [Scott Moser]
    - Move runparts to subp. (#420) [Scott Moser]
    - Move subp into its own module. (#416) [Scott Moser]
    - readme: point at (#417) [Joshua Powers]
    - New feature flag functionality and fix includes failing silently (#367)
      [James Falcon] (LP: #1734939)
    - Enhance poll imds logging (#365) [Moustafa Moustafa]
    - test: fix all flake8 E121 and E123 errors (#404) [Joshua Powers]
    - test: fix all flake8 E241 (#403) [Joshua Powers]
    - test: ignore flake8 E402 errors in (#402) [Joshua Powers]
    - cc_grub_dpkg: determine idevs in more robust manner with grub-probe
      (#358) [Matthew Ruffell] (LP: #1877491)
    - test: fix all flake8 E741 errors (#401) [Joshua Powers]
    - tests: add groovy integration tests for ubuntu (#400)
    - Enable chef_license support for chef infra client (#389) [Bipin Bachhao]
    - testing: use flake8 again (#392) [Joshua Powers]
    - enable Puppet, Chef mcollective in default config (#385)
      [Mina Galić (deprecated: Igor Galić)] (LP: #1880279)
    - HACKING.rst: introduce .net -> Networking refactor section (#384)
    - Travis: do not install python3-contextlib2 (dropped dependency) (#388)
      [Paride Legovini]
    - HACKING: mention that .github-cla-signers is alpha-sorted (#380)
    - Add bipinbachhao as contributor (#379) [Bipin Bachhao]
    - cc_snap: validate that assertions property values are strings (#370)
    - conftest: implement partial disable_subp_usage (#371)
    - test_resolv_conf: refresh stale comment (#374)
    - cc_snap: apply validation to snap.commands properties (#364)
    - make finding libc platform independent (#366)
      [Mina Galić (deprecated: Igor Galić)]
    - doc/rtd/topics/faq: Updates LXD docs links to current site (#368) [TomP]
    - templater: drop Jinja Python 2 compatibility shim (#353)
    - cloudinit: minor pylint fixes (#360)
    - cloudinit: remove unneeded __future__ imports (#362)
    - migrating momousta lp user to Moustafa-Moustafa GitHub user (#361)
      [Moustafa Moustafa]
    - cloud_tests: emit dots on Travis while fetching images (#347)
    - Add schema to apt configure config (#357) [lucasmoura] (LP: #1858884)
    - conftest: add docs and tests regarding CiTestCase's subp functionality
    - analyze/dump: refactor shared string into variable (#350)
    - doc: update boot.rst with correct timing of runcmd (#351)
    - HACKING.rst: change contact info to Rick Harding (#359) [lucasmoura]
    - HACKING.rst: guide people to add themselves to the CLA file (#349)
    - HACKING.rst: more unit testing documentation (#354)
    - .travis.yml: don't run lintian during integration test package builds
    - Add test to ensure docs examples are valid cloud-init configs (#355)
      [James Falcon] (LP: #1876414)
    - make suse and sles support (#336) [chengcheng-chcheng]
    - Create tests to validate schema examples (#348)
      [lucasmoura] (LP: #1876412)
    - analyze/dump: add support for Amazon Linux 2 log lines (#346)
      (LP: #1876323)
    - bsd: upgrade support (#305) [Gonéri Le Bouder]
    - Add lucasmoura as contributor (#345) [lucasmoura]
    - Add "therealfalcon" as contributor (#344) [James Falcon]
    - Adapt the package building scripts to use Python 3 (#231)
      [Paride Legovini]
    - DataSourceEc2: use metadata's NIC ordering to determine route-metrics
      (#342) (LP: #1876312)
    - .travis.yml: introduce caching (#329)
    - cc_locale: introduce schema (#335)
    - doc/rtd/ bump copyright year to 2020 (#341)
    - yum_add_repo: Add Centos to the supported distro list (#340)

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