Choqok 0.9.92 (1.0 Beta4 ) "Wind" released!

Written for Choqok by Andrey Esin on 2010-10-15

Change summary:
- Prevent shortening process to freeze UI
- Remove the ☛ sign for tags or groups in StatusNet accounts, using the menu solution like @username
- "Configure Notifications" in Settings menu.
- Twitpic plugin fixed to work with OAuth.
- "Reply to USER", "Write to USER", "Reply to all" actions added to reply button menu.
- New look for Whois dialog.
- Dictionary switcher in text input fields via context menu.
- StatusNet: Info for users across multiple servers
- Filter plugin: Option to just show own replies or just show replies to my friends
- Image Preview plugin: Support for and Plixi (By Alex Infantes)
+ Many of known and reported bugs fixed.

New Plugins:
- ImageShack uploader (Just image uploading)
- Flickr uploader (Just image uploading)

We’ve removed some plugins:
- shortner, due its service discontinued
- YFrog uploader (temporary)

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