Bazaar 2.2b4

This is the final beta for 2.2. At this point we fork off a 2.2 branch, which will have a stable API for 2.2 plugins.

Milestone information

John A Meinel
Release registered:
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1 Alexander Belchenko, 4 Andrew Bennetts, 1 Gordon Tyler, 1 Jason Spashett, 2 Martin Pool, 1 Martin von Gagern, 2 Parth Malwankar, 3 Robert Collins, 5 Vincent Ladeuil
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
20 Fix Released

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download icon Bazaar-2.2b4-OSX-10.5-1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.5 universal installer 93
last downloaded 7 days ago
download icon Bazaar-2.2b4-OSX-10.6-1.dmg (md5, sig) Mac OS X 10.6 universal installer 250
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.2b4-1.win32-py2.4.exe (md5) Windows python2.4 installer 94
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.2b4-1.win32-py2.5.exe (md5) Windows python2.5 installer 113
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.2b4-1.win32-py2.6.exe (md5) Windows python2.6 installer 147
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon bzr-2.2b4-1-setup.exe (md5) Windows Standalone Installer 1,788
last downloaded 13 days ago
download icon bzr-2.2b4.tar.gz (md5, sig) bzr 2.2b4 source 1,889
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,374

Release notes 

This fourth and final beta in the 2.2 series now stabilizes the internal
APIs. Plugin authors are recommended to ensure their releases are
compatible, so that 2.2rc1 can be a true release candidate, containing
stable and compatible plugin versions.

For users of bzrlib as a library, one of the primary changes is to request
that they call ``bzrlib.initialize`` and use the returned context manager

Better interaction with ``bzr-loom`` to make sure branching from a loom
even over a smart server still yields a local loom. Not to mention lots of
bugfixes over 2.2b3.


View the full changelog

bzr 2.2b4

:Codename: Monkey Magic
:2.2b4: 2004-07-09

This fourth and final beta in the 2.2 series now stabilizes the internal
APIs. Plugin authors are recommended to ensure their releases are
compatible, so that 2.2rc1 can be a true release candidate, containing
stable and compatible plugin versions.

For users of bzrlib as a library, one of the primary changes is to request
that they call ``bzrlib.initialize`` and use the returned context manager

Better interaction with ``bzr-loom`` to make sure branching from a loom
even over a smart server still yields a local loom. Not to mention lots of
bugfixes over 2.2b3.

Compatibility Breaks

* bzrlib library users now need to call ``__enter__`` and ``__exit__`` on
  the result of ``bzrlib.initialize``. This change was made when fixing
  the bad habit recent bzr versions have had of leaving progress bars
  behind on the screen. That required calling another function before
  exiting the program, and it made sense to provide a full context
  manager at the same time. (Robert Collins)

* The ``bzr`` front end now requires a ``bzrlib.ui.ui_factory`` which is a
  context manager in the Python 2.5 and above sense. The bzrlib base class
  is such a manager, but third party UI factories which do not derive from
  ``bzrlib.ui.UIFactory`` will be incompatible with the command line front

* URLs like ``foo:bar/baz`` are now always parsed as a URL with scheme "foo"
  and path "bar/baz", even if bzr does not recognize "foo" as a known URL
  scheme. Previously these URLs would be treated as local paths.
  (Gordon Tyler)

New Features

* Support ``--directory`` option for a number of additional commands:
  conflicts, merge-directive, missing, resolve, shelve, switch,
  unshelve, whoami. (Martin von Gagern, #527878)

Bug Fixes

* ``bzr branch`` to a new repository with a default stacking policy no
  longer transfers the full history unnecessarily.
  (Andrew Bennetts, #597942)

* ``bzr init`` does not recursively scan directory contents anymore
  leading to faster init for directories with existing content.
  (Martin [gz], Parth Malwankar, #501307)

* ``bzr log --exclude-common-ancestry`` is now taken into account for
  linear ancetries. (Vincent Ladeuil, #575631)

* ``bzr log -r branch:REMOTE`` can now properly log the remote branch,
  rather than trying to fetch the data locally and failing because of a
  readonly error. (Martin von Gagern, #149270)

* ``bzr pull`` now works when a lp: URL is explicitly defined as the parent
  or pull location in locations.conf or branch.conf.
  (Gordon Tyler, #534787)

* ``bzr reconfigure --unstacked`` now works with branches accessed via a
  smart server. (Andrew Bennetts, #551525)

* ``BzrDir.find_branches`` should ignore branches with missing repositories.
  (Marius Kruger, Robert Collins)

* ``BzrDir.find_bzrdirs`` should ignore dirs that raises PermissionDenied.
  (Marius Kruger, Robert Collins)

* Ensure that wrong path specifications in ``BZR_PLUGINS_AT`` display
  proper error messages. (Vincent Ladeuil, #591215)

* Explicitly removing ``--profile-imports`` option from parsed command-line
  arguments on Windows, because bzr script does the same.
  (Alexander Belchenko, #588277)

* Fetching was slightly confused about the best code to use and was
  using a new code path for all branches, resulting in more lookups than
  necessary on old branches. (Robert Collins, #593515)

* Final fix for 'no help for command' issue. We now show a clean message
  when a command has no help, document how to set help more clearly, and
  test that all commands available to the test suite have help.
  (Robert Collins, #177500)

* Invalid patterns supplied to ``Globster`` or ``lazy_regex`` now raise
  ``InvalidPattern`` exception showing clear error message to the user.
  (Parth Malwankar #300062)

* Progress output is cleaned up when exiting. (Aaron Bentley)

* Raise ValueError instead of a string exception.
  (John Arbash Meinel, #586926)

* Relative imports in plugins are now handled correctly when using
  BZR_PLUGINS_AT. (Vincent Ladeuil, #588959)

* ``ScriptRunner`` now strips off leading indentation from test scripts,
  which previously caused "SyntaxError: No command for line".
  (Martin Pool)

* Show unicode filenames in diff headers using terminal encoding.
  (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #382699)
  NOTE for Windows users: If user need to save diff to file then user need to
  change encoding of the terminal to ANSI encoding with command ``chcp XXX``
  (e.g. ``chcp 1251`` for Russian Windows).

* URL displayed for use with ``break-lock`` when smart server sees lock
  contention are now valid. Default timeout for lock contention retry is
  now 30 seconds instead of 300 seconds.
  (Parth Malwankar, #250451)

* ``walkdirs`` now raises a useful message when the filenames are not using
  the filesystem encoding. (Eric Moritz, #488519)

* Enable debugging of bzr on windows with pdb and other tools. This was
  broken because we call GetCommandLineW on windows. The fix adjusts the
  command line we get to be the same length as sys.argv.
  (Jason Spashett, Alexander Belchenko, #587868)


* Bazaar now reads data from SSH connections more efficiently on platforms
  that provide the ``socketpair`` function, and when using paramiko.
  (Andrew Bennetts, #590637)

* ``Branch.copy_content_into`` is now a convenience method dispatching to
  a ``InterBranch`` multi-method. This permits ``bzr-loom`` and other
  plugins to intercept this even when a ``RemoteBranch`` proxy is in use.
  (Robert Collins, #201613)

* ``Branch`` formats can now be loaded lazily by registering a
  ``MetaDirBranchFormatFactory`` rather than an actual format. This will
  cause the named format class to be loaded only when an enumeration of
  formats is needed or when the format string for the object is
  encountered. (Robert Collins, Jelmer Vernooij)

* The encoding that bzr uses to output things other than file content can
  now be overridden via the output_encoding configuration option.
  (Martin Pool, #340394)

* Use lazy imports in ``bzrlib/`` so that plugins like ``news_merge``
  do not cause modules to be loaded unnecessarily just because the plugin
  registers a merge hook. This improves ``bzr rocks`` time by about 25%
  in a default installation (with just the core plugins).
  (Andrew Bennetts)


* Added ``regression`` tag to our tags list. (Robert Collins)

* Improved our release checklist to have a bit less churn and leave things
  ready-to-go for the next action (including other people doing
  development). (Robert Collins)

* Remove obsolete discussion of PQM in documentation about how to
  contribute to Bazaar. (Martin Pool, #588444)

API Changes

* ``bzrlib.branch.InterBranch._get_branch_formats_to_test`` now returns
  an iterable of format pairs, rather than just a single pair, permitting
  InterBranch objects that work with multiple permutations to be
  comprehensively tested. (Robert Collins)

* ``bzrlib.lsprof.profile`` will no longer silently generate bad threaded
  profiles when concurrent profile requests are made. Instead the profile
  requests will be serialised. Reentrant requests will now deadlock.
  (Robert Collins)

* ``bzrlib.knit.KnitSequenceMatcher``, which has been deprecated since
  2007, has been deleted. Use ``PatienceSequenceMatcher`` from
  ``bzrlib.patiencediff`` instead. (Andrew Bennetts)

* ``bzrlib.re_compile_checked`` is now deprecated. Caller should handle
  ``bzrlib.errors.InvalidPattern`` exception thrown by ``re.match`` in
  case the default error message not suitable for the use case.
  (Parth Malwankar)

* ``bzrlib.tests.blackbox.ExternalBase`` is deprecated. It provided only
  one method ``check_output``, and we now recommend checking command
  output using ``run_script``. (Martin Pool)

* ``bzrlib.transport.ssh.SSHVendor.connect_ssh`` now returns an object
  that implements the interface of ``bzrlib.transport.ssh.SSHConnection``.
  Third-party implementations of ``SSHVendor`` may need to be updated
  accordingly. Similarly, any code using ``SSHConnection`` directly will
  need to be updated. (Andrew Bennetts)

* The constructor of ```` has
  changed to take an ``SSHParams`` instance (replacing many individual
  values). (Andrew Bennetts)


* ``bzrlib.osutils.get_terminal_encoding`` will now only mutter its
  selection when explicitly requested; this avoids many duplicate calls
  being logged when helpers, wrappers and older code that manually calls
  it are executed it is now logged deliberately by the ui setup code.
  (Robert Collins)

* Improved ``bzrlib.urlutils`` to handle lp:foo/bar URLs. (Gordon Tyler)

* ``bzrlib._c_static_tuple.StaticTuple`` now implements ``__sizeof__``, so
  that ``sys.getsizeof`` and other memory analysis tools will report more
  accurate results. (Andrew Bennetts)

* The symbol_versioning module can now cleanup after itself -
  ``suppress_deprecation_warnings`` now returns a cleanup function.
  (Robert Collins)


* Add ``bzrlib.tests.fixtures`` to hold code for setting up objects
  to test. (Martin Pool)

* ``test_import_tariff`` now respects BZR_PLUGINS_AT and BZR_PLUGINS_DISABLE.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #595587)

0 blueprints and 20 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
250451 #250451 bzr suggests wrong URL for break-lock for smart-server branches 3 High Parth Malwankar  10 Fix Released
496813 #496813 until_no_eintr used on unrestartable IO, and cannot address all cases of EINTR. 3 High Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
501307 #501307 bzr init recursively scans directory contents 3 High Parth Malwankar  10 Fix Released
520443 #520443 Incomprehensible results of "bzr log -rX..Y" again 3 High Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
528253 #528253 Please refer to GNU/Linux rather than Linux in docs 3 High Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
551525 #551525 reconfigure --unstacked doesn't quite work for lp branches 3 High Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
590638 #590638 hpss protocol buffers too much outgoing data 3 High Martin Pool  10 Fix Released
593515 #593515 InterToBranch5 not used? 3 High Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
597942 #597942 "bzr branch lp:proj lp:~user/proj/aaa" downloads and uploads full history 3 High Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
177500 #177500 Traceback if a command doesn't have a docstring 4 Medium Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
382699 #382699 diff headers should contain non-ascii filenames in user_encoding, not in utf-8 4 Medium Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
530265 #530265 Not modifying a suggested commit message commits anyway 4 Medium Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
534787 #534787 pull does not understand lp: URLs in branch.conf 4 Medium Gordon Tyler  10 Fix Released
560030 #560030 Shell completion scripts outdated 4 Medium Martin von Gagern  10 Fix Released
588959 #588959 BZR_PLUGINS_AT doesn't support relative imports 4 Medium Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
590637 #590637 use a socketpair to talk to the ssh client process 4 Medium Andrew Bennetts  10 Fix Released
591215 #591215 bzr shows stack trace if BZR_PLUGINS_AT at doesn't have value is specific format 4 Medium Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
595587 #595587 test_import_tariff doesn't respect BZR_PLUGINS_AT not BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS 4 Medium Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
183504 #183504 'bzr status' crash if .bzrignore containts Latin-2 chars 5 Low Jason Spashett  10 Fix Released
575631 #575631 "bzr log --exclude-common-ancestry -rX..Y" inconsistent 5 Low Vincent Ladeuil  10 Fix Released
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