2.6b1 released

Written for Bazaar by Vincent Ladeuil on 2012-03-21

I'm pleased to announce the first beta for the 2.6 series: 2.6b1.

Bazaar <http://bazaar.canonical.com/> is a Canonical project and part of
the GNU project <http://gnu.org/> to produce a free operating system.

2.6.0 is planned to be released in August 2012.

This release includes ssl certificates verification from the urllib-based
http implementation turned on by default, fixes some UI issues around
colocated branches, documentation fixes and more.

Details at <https://launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/2.6b1>

2.6b1 contains all know bug fixes including the ones made for the
previous stable releases.

A warm thank you to all people that send feedback, suggestions, even
merge proposals making bzr better !

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