Bazaar 1.12 released

Written for Bazaar by Martin Pool on 2009-02-13

I'm happy to announce the release of version 1.12 of Bazaar. Bazaar
(bzr) is a decentralized revision control system, designed to be easy
for developers and end users alike. Bazaar is part of the GNU project
to develop a complete free operating system.

This release of Bazaar contains many improvements to the speed,
documentation and functionality of ``bzr log`` and the display of logged
revisions by ``bzr status``. bzr now also gives a better indication of
progress, both in the way operations are drawn onto a text terminal, and
by showing the rate of network IO.

A detailed list of changes since the last release is attached below.

A source tarball is now available from <>
and packages for various systems will be available soon.

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