Comment 1 for bug 605520

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Cody Russell (bratsche) wrote :

So, this is not something that we're going to fix for Meerkat I think.

It looks like Epiphany seems to load its bookmarks menu dynamically rather than populating the menu when the browser first starts. Maybe this is done for performance reasons, or maybe some other reason. But the menu doesn't appear to actually get populated until it's activated by the user.

For this to work in an appmenu situation means we would need to signal from the panel to the application when the user activates the menu, then the application would send over the latest menu items to be appended to the menu. This would look kind of weird even if it worked, because the user would see the bookmarks menu appear with like 2 items in it and then half a second later the menu would suddenly have like 12 items in it. Not a great user experience there.

So considering that appmenus are for UNE and not for desktop, and since Epiphany is not installed by default on UNE, I don't imagine that we will get around to trying to fix this bug at this time. Anyone in the community is, of course, more than welcome to hack on it if they want though. :)