Registered by Steve Dodier-Lazaro

Activity Finder is a research project that explores the multitasking habits of Linux users. It is part of a larger project aiming to assess the feasibility of automatic activity learning and discovery in modern operating systems, and the validity of representations of the information flows between processes on current operating systems.

This part of the project focuses on levering Zeitgeist and the Linux system call interface to build an activity collection system. It collects metadata on a user's workflow and recomposes its activities.

Activity Finder can also be used to gather data for multiple research purposes related to app usage or information flows between apps. It will be complemented later on with machine learning algorithms to identify users' most likely activities.

OS support: Ubuntu 15.04 (Mint/Debian possible based on interest)
DE support: Xfce 4
GS support: X11
Browser support: Chromium (Firefox possible based on interest)

Activity Finder is developed by Steve Dodier-Lazaro as part of his PhD research at UCL.
Steve's website:
Ask questions if you need help to deploy ActivityFinder!

Part of the 'multitasking' study from ~ucl-cs-study-devs
Qt client:

Project information


RDF metadata

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.11

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