Registered by Curtis Hovey

Simple, secure devops tooling built to manage today's complex microservice applications wherever you run your software.

Juju keeps complexity low and productivity high. Built to manage today’s complex application architectures wherever they are run.

Built for
• SRE and operations teams
• Developers
• Data engineers

Excels at
• Making your deployment understandable
• Simplifying post-install operations, such as upgrades, updates and configuration management
• Managing hybrid-cloud services, whether on Kubernetes, VMs, bare metal or any combination

Why Juju?

Juju increases your productivity and decreases your costs.

Increase confidence. If you have ever put off upgrading something in production because something might break, then consider Juju. Juju allows applications to automatically negotiate their configuration, creating optimal settings dynamically.

Reduce complexity. Microservices have made applications simpler, but operations more complex. Regain your understanding of the whole stack.

Strengthen operations knowledge. Everyone has their in-house expert. Encapsulating their know-how in charms distributes that knowledge throughout the business.

Simplify day two and beyond. Upgrades, provisioning new capacity, applying configuration changes can be subtle and difficult. Juju takes responsibility for them, as well as deployment.

Maintain portability and repeatability. Retain control over your deployment and eliminate the need for vendor-specific offerings. Your devops tooling should be cloud-agnostic and Kubernetes-aware.

Install Juju and get started with your first project:

Read the project’s documentation:

Explore questions and conversations on our Discourse forum:

Developers are welcome to read through our contributing guidelines to learn how to make code changes:

File bugs:

Project information

Part of:
Juju Project
Juju Engineering
Juju Project Lead
GNU Affero GPL v3, Other/Proprietary
(A Canonical project that will host proprietary and embargoed blueprints. the source code remains AGPL.)
Commercial subscription expires 2026-09-19
This project’s licence is proprietary.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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  • Juju 3.5.1 released on 2024-05-30
    The Juju team is proud to release Juju 3.5.1! This is a point release to the ...
  • Juju 3.3.5 released on 2024-05-28
    The Juju team is proud to release Juju 3.3.5! This is a point release to the ...
  • Juju 3.5.0 released on 2024-05-07
    The Juju team is proud to release Juju 3.5.0! This is the first release to th...
  • Juju 3.5.0 released on 2024-05-07
    The Juju team is proud to release Juju 3.5.0! This is the first release to th...
  • Juju security bulletin - CVE-2024-3250 on 2024-04-12
    Please read the security bulletin regarding CVE-2024-3250 to learn how it aff...