DockbarX x.0.39.7

Milestone information

Matias Särs
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download icon dockbarx_0.39.7.tar.gz (md5) Platform Independent 882
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
Total downloads: 882

Release notes 

Last release before feature freeze (until x.0.40).


View the full changelog

End user features:
- Multiple monitor support: Option to only show windows that is on the current monitor (see advanced tab in preference).
- Popups for group buttons without open windows is not shown anymore, instead there is an option in preference dialog to show tooltips for group buttons without windows.
- The group button menu pops up next to the group button instead of poping up at the mouse pointer.
- DockbarX might be slightly faster and use a little bit less memory in certain situations.

Changes to dockbarx behavior - after ideas from a patch by Domen Tabernik (skokec):
- Popup windows closes when you click outside them or after a delay (600 ms).
- A shorter delay is used when a popup window is open and you move the mouse to another group button to open a new popup window. The delay can be set from the preference dialog.
- Popup windows are closed when a group button action is executed (exceptions are 'show popup' and 'select next/previous window').
- Popup windows can be closed when a window button is clicked. You can set the option from the window button tab in the preference dialog.
- The minimize target (the area a window minimizes to) is now always the group button.

Theme makers:
- New if type option: 'mouse_button_down'. The code will be executed when a window button is pressed with left mouse button.

Bug fixes:
- Dockbarx crashed on upstart if it couldn't find a launcher.
- Error handling added to circumvent a bug in gettext caused by some bad translation files in nautilus elementary (or at least that's what I guess). Should stop Nautilus from not showing up in Dockbarx.
- If a folder in the home with the same name as a launcher executable the folder was opened instead when trying to launch the program (eg. a ~/firefox folder would be opened instead of Firefox, when trying to launch Firefox from dockbarx).
- the popup window wasn't always moved after it was resized, which caused the popup window to overlap the group button.
- You couldn't edit a launcher if it didn't have an identifier.
- The popup stopped working after if you changed an identifier.
- Some small bugs stopped global keyboard action 'select next group' and 'select previous group' and group button action 'minimize all other groups' from working.
- Opacify group works again.
- DockbarX is now better at handling false mouse leave and mouse enter events for group buttons.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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