DockbarX x.0.21.11

Milestone information

Matias Särs
Release registered:
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download icon dockbarx_0.21.11.tar.gz (md5) Platform Independent 64
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
Total downloads: 64

Release notes 

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End users features:
- Group button actions 'select next window' and 'select previous window' is added. Default buttons for them is scroll up and scroll down.
- Group button action 'select or compiz scale group' is added. It behaves like 'select or minimize group' action when only one window is open in a group. If there is more than one window in a group, 'compiz scale' is used instead.
- A two seconds launch prevention is now issued after each application launch. This will prevent multiple launches of applications as a result of people double clicking on launchers accidentally. (Blueprint and patch by Vermind. Thank you.)
- None square icons are no longer stretched out when shown on group buttons.
- 'New' and 'Minimalistic' themes been improved.

Theme making features:
- Theming HOWTO added.
- Group buttons can now be set to different aspect ratios.
- Alpha mask command added
- Get_pixmap command added
- The blink effect for attention is now dealt with in themes with the command <if type="blink"></if> instead of using the same effect as mouseover (<if command type="mouseover"></if>). This will make it possible for theme makers to make fancy mouseover or blink effects without having to worry about the side effects it might have on the other effect.
- Some small improvements and bug fixes

Bug fixes:
- Bug#402806: Popup windows got stuck if they where open when reload were pressed.
- Bug #411337: Closing a window that needed attention didn't stop the attention effect.
- Bug #406610: DockbarX behaved very oddly in Ubuntu Karmic.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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